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What sets Lake Maiden apart from conventional skincare brands?


Not only is our packaging is designed to be visually appealing, but it's also environmentally friendly, every container is reusable to reduce waste. We also avoid excessive boxes and packaging that's normally found in the beauty industry. Less really is more!



The ingredients in our skincare products are primarily sourced from British Columbia, ensuring freshness and supporting local communities. We're proud to announce that all our ingredients are now completely organic, free from pesticides and harmful chemicals. Additionally, our products are naturally self-preserving, meaning they contain no fillers or toxic preservatives. That means nothing bad on your skin, and nothing bad going into the lake.



Experience the immediate soothing and healing benefits of Lake Maiden Skincare. Our products are highly effective, requiring only a small amount to achieve noticeable results. With their multi-purpose nature, you'll find yourself reaching for fewer products, leading to a simpler, more natural skincare routine. As a result, you may even find yourself relying less on makeup to cover imperfections, as your skin becomes healthier and more radiant with each use.

Our Story

It all began with a lake, a maiden, and some sensitive skin....

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Lake lovers, let softness be your power.

The Lake Maiden is Angie Marchinkow, a visual artist and  former birth doula, forever passionate about highlighting life’s beauty, and being all-in.


She was raised in nature, in the cool waters of a Canadian lake. From childhood she suffered skin allergies and sensitivities, and later in life found herself frustrated with reactions to even the most popular cosmetics that claimed to be natural.


While traveling she found places that demanded “reef safe” sunscreen to be worn while swimming in their waters, to prevent damaging their delicate ecosystems. This widened her eyes to just how many products are currently harming our waters, and our bodies. A life spent outdoors deeply influenced her search for cleaner, more earth-friendly ingredients to put on her skin.


After diving into skin science, cosmetic ingredients, and skin-nourishing botanicals, she got to the kitchen and started experimenting with her own lotion making and balm blends. Her skin was immediately calmed and relieved, and after sharing it with friends, she received immediate requests to make more to share.

Infusion process
Lake Maiden Skincare - Angie Marchinkow


Consciously selected, carefully infused, hand poured.

For her signature body oil and balm, a blend of carefully selected botanicals are combined, and drenched in a mixture of plant oils for a slow infusion process over several weeks, then gently warmed. This transfer allows every drop of oil to be infused with powerful anti-inflammatory, astringent properties from the botanicals, that nourish and calm the skin.


Once the infusion process is complete, it is strained multiple times before bottling. The botanical infused oil is blended with beeswax to create a silky, smooth balm that is quite literally a salve for the body and soul. 


The packaging is important too- the body oils are bottled in dark amber glass to protect it from destructive UV rays that could break down its nutrients and healing properties. The balms are poured into twist-top, well sealing tins. Every container is easily washable and reusable, so it can serve more than one purpose and last years before it needs recycling.

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You aren't in nature, you are nature.

After a decade of experience infusing and mixing lotions, balms, and body oils for herself, the Lake Maiden naturally started supplying her friends with their own. It made its way into the hands of designer skincare collectors, rock climbers, bearded men, keepers of curly hair, sufferers of eczema and psoriasis, lip balm fanatics, guitarists, tradespeople, surfers, and parents of babies with cradle cap. All reported instant relief, and five-star reviews.


These products and this company is truly born of wanting to get out there and seeing how far you can go. Trying. Trusting. Challenging yourself. Improving. Floating. Resting. Being. Being scared and going for it when you're only 70% ready. Savouring.


Being in nature and realising that, you are, in fact, nature.


The Lake Maiden invites you to care for your body while you care for the earth, the people around you, and how you experience your surroundings.

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© 2024 Lake Maiden Skincare
Handmade in beautiful Kelowna, BC, Canada, which is the unceded and traditional territories of the Syilx/Okanagan People.

15% off your first order when you join our list.


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